
* * *

Don’t curse your fortune, passer-by!
You are more fortunate than I.

* * *

A thousand roads you build, but one thing’s clear:
Whichever road you take, you end up here!

* * *

Here lies a rider brave—
His bravery lives on.
And here’s a coward’s grave—
And cowardice lives on.

* * *

A bard of earth, I died
And now lie here.
Who’s lying at my side?
I’ve no idea!


* * *

My friend, if ever you bequeath
A dagger, don’t forget the sheath!

* * *

However hot the sun on high,
Blood on this blade shall never dry.

* * *

Of men who bear a knife ‘tis said:
More than their hand they need their head.

* * *

A fool draws
In a trice.
A wiser man
Thinks twice.

* * *

Your knife has neither ear nor eye
And, if it misses, you must cry!

* * *

When I have killed, I will
Bewail my victim’s fate.
When I’m about to kill,
I only hate.

* * *

Swear thou wilt
By my hilt!
Keep thy pledge
By my edge!

* * *

Wherever human blood be shed in feud,
It whets a knife and bloodshed is renewed.

* * *

Pause and ponder, please,
Ere my hilt you seize!

* * *

Despite its rust,
A spirit brave
Shall with this blade
Both cut and thrust.