
* * *

Here’s to the drinkers of wine,
Who pour it, adore it,
Explore all the lore of the vine—
Or blithely ignore it!

* * *

Wine suits all men! It’s such
A pleasure to consume!
But you must know how much,
Why, when, where, and… with whom!


* * *

However far abroad you roam,
You bear with you the warmth of hearth and home.

* * *

Woe befalls a friend
Whose heart is still.
Woe befalls a hearth
Whose ash is chill.

* * *

Don’t pity me, if here
You find no flame,
But those who many a year
For comfort came,

* * *

Warm hands and knees
Your heart to ease.

* * *

Never in vain
Are fireside stories told
About invaders slain
By heroes bold.

* * *

Tales from the past
Shall come to you
As you sit here
And think of stories new.

* * *

You’ll never feel a warmer glow
Than from the hearth which saw you grow!


* * *

When your horse you cannot ride.
I’ll go jumping at your side.

* * *

Though with inlay bright I’m clad,
Those who walk with me are sad.